
Schwerdtle is an acknowledged leader in developing custom molded silicone soft-touch grippers for assembly and automation. 

Schwerdtle works closely with your client engineers or integrators to develop custom end of arm tooling components and fingertips designed to maximize throughput and provide safe product handling. Our precision-molded, fully customized gripper fingertips can be shaped to accommodate different cylindrical or complex shaped parts and can accommodate internal grip, combined grip, or external grip formats.

Adaptive grippers provide flexibility, allowing for agile manufacturing. Schwerdtle designs and manufactures custom ‘fingertips’ that can make your adaptive grippers work better. In many production environments, grippers and end of arm tooling components may be asked to handle different sized, or shaped parts – even the same part may change shape or size during processing. Innovative end effector design will retain all the benefits of a custom-molded piece but will maximize the versatility of your adaptive gripper requirements.



  • Our soft touch gripper fingertips are based on proprietary “silicone-to-metal bond” technology
  • Will not mar delicate or fragile (Grade A) plastic surfaces.
  • Increased coefficient of friction allows for lighter grab forces, further protecting fragile or thin wall items
  • Heat resistant to 600˚F and are ideal for picking parts from injection molds or plasma polished parts, holding parts for assembly, or inserting completed products into packaging.

Learn More About Supplies For Schwerdtle Automation Tools Here​